Fraud - zero tolerance

This page summarises IHI's anti-fraud measures, and what we do when we discover a suspected case of fraud.



Anti-fraud measures at IHI

We take the management of the public (EU) and private funds entrusted to us extremely seriously. For this reason, our financial procedures include checks to detect any irregularities and possible fraud.

Our processes for detecting and handling potential fraud are set out in the IHI Anti-Fraud Strategy, which is aligned with the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Strategy (CAFS) and the Common Anti-Fraud Strategy in the Research Family (RAFS) which, as the name suggests, addresses the fraud risks associated with EU research programmes. In addition, together with our fellow joint undertakings (JUs), we have created a JU-specific anti-fraud strategy.

It should be emphasised that in most cases where irregularities are detected, an analysis of the situation reveals that they are not fraud, but are due to simple human error, for example. However, in the rare cases that fraud is suspected, we pass the details on to OLAF (the European Anti-Fraud Office) for follow-up.

Report fraud

If you become aware of a suspected fraud case involving IHI, or any IMI or IHI project, you can report it directly to OLAF via their website.


If a member of staff at IHI becomes aware of any fraud, corruption, or serious irregularity, they must immediately report the issue. Information on where and how these issues can be reported can be found in the IHI whistleblowing guidelines. The guidelines also set out the protection offered to whistle-blowers who act in good faith, including the measures taken to keep their identity confidential and protect them from any form of retaliation. This privacy statement provides information about the processing and the protection of personal data under the whistleblowing procedure.