Exploitation of project results

Guidance for projects on how to exploit their results.

This page contains information for projects funded under the Innovative Medicines Initiative programmes (IMI1 and IMI2). We will add information for Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) projects as soon as it is available.

Exploitation means the use of results in developing, creating and marketing a product or process, or in creating and providing a service, or in the standardisation activities. Exploitation can be commercial, societal, political, or aimed at improving public knowledge and action. It also includes recommendations for policy making (i.e. feedback to policy).

IMI project partners have a contractual obligation to ensure exploitation of their results for research use and/or direct exploitation either

  • by themselves, e.g. for further research or for commercial or industrial exploitation in its own activities, or
  • by other beneficiaries or third parties, e.g. through licensing or by transferring the ownership of results.

Not sure where to start? Follow our Field Manual on scaling innovations emerging from public-private partnerships

IMI projects have delivered powerful fit-for-purpose solutions, or assets, that have the potential to transform the healthcare industry and improve patient outcomes on a global scale. Deployment of those results in research, regulatory and medical practice beyond the context of EU-funded projects needs to be properly planned and resourced to achieve the desired impact.

This scaling up often falls outside of the project timelines or objectives, but the understanding that both project design and the engagement of stakeholders during the lifetime of the project help determine the success of future deployment drove EFPIA to develop the Field Manual on scaling innovations emerging from public-private partnerships.

Although the Field Manual is based on the experience of several IMI digital health projects, it provides actionable guidance that can be applied to IMI projects working in other areas of research. It includes practical advice and solutions on issues such as: how to set a scale-up vision, how to identify drivers, opportunities, challenges, and the capabilities to scale up, and how to determine your project´s optimal scale-up pathway.

The IMI Programme Office held an event on how to use the Field Manual in October 2021. The online masterclass featured real case studies that can help you design and implement strategies to deploy and scale up your results. Watch the recording here and access the presentation.

Showcase your results and attract your target audiences - the Horizon Results Platform

The European Commission-supported Horizon Results Platform provides you with a free, online space to showcase the result(s) of your projects at no cost and in a user-friendly way. The platform is hosted under the Funding & Tenders Portal to make it easy for you to manage your results in a central and safe environment.

By creating your result profile(s), you will be able to reach out to your desired audiences and key stakeholders, whether they are policymakers, investors, research and technology organisations, industry or academia. In order to find your result(s), external visitors will be able to use search criteria.

Depending on the nature and needs of your result(s), the platform can trigger different opportunities and services, ranging from pitching events with investors, possibilities for assistance with your dissemination plans, business development plans, innovation management, IP management, further collaborations, and much more.

To learn more about how to create results for your project and how to upload and manage them on the platform, consult the online guide. The result profile is managed by you.

For any questions, contact EC-HORIZON-RESULTS-PLATFORM@ec.europa.eu.

Boost your exploitation potential - the Horizon Results Booster

Whether your project is funded under IMI1 or IMI2, you can benefit from the European Commission-funded Horizon Results Booster services. By applying, you will receive expert tailor-made support and training, free of charge, for the following activities:

  • improving the exploitation strategy that you have already put in place;
  • developing a business plan, including the identification of financial instruments for start-ups or new businesses made available by banks, local governments, and national funders, as well as crowdfunding platforms and schemes;
  • bringing your results to the market, including activities such as creating start-ups/spin-offs with a complete business model and commercialisation plan.

To take advantage of the Horizon Results Booster, fill in the application form here.

To find out more about the Horizon Results Booster, catch up on the info session held in October 2021 - the video recording and slides are available online.

Read about the experiences of other projects

Read about how two projects are navigating the transition from project to non-profit association here.