We publish draft information on future call topics a few months ahead of the official call launch. We do this to give you additional time to find or build a consortium and prepare a strong proposal.
IHI calls 9 and 10 - launched!
IHI call 9 - a single-stage, applicant driven call
The following topics were launched under IHI call 9 on 16 January 2025. The final versions of the call texts are available on the IHI call 9 page - applicants should read them carefully.
- Topic 1 (SO1): Boosting innovation for a better understanding of the determinants of health
- Topic 2 (SO2): Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts
- Topic 3 (SO3): Boosting innovation for peopled centred integrated healthcare solutions
- Topic 4 (SO4):Boosting innovation through exploitation of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare
- Topic 5 (SO5):Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions
IHI call 10 - a standard, two-stage call
The following topics were launched under IHI call 10 on 16 January 2025. The final versions of the texts are available on the IHI call 10 page - applicants should read them carefully.
- Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products
- Enabling and safeguarding innovation in secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
- Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions, and end of life management in the healthcare sector
If you're considering applying for an IHI call for proposals, we strongly encourage you to read the call documents, and in particular the guide for applicants. We often update the documents so check the call documents page regularly to be sure you have the latest versions.
To stay up to date on the publication of new and updated draft topics, as well as opportunities to register for events on IHI calls for proposals, sign up for our monthly newsletter or follow us on social media: LinkedIn - Mastodon.
Unless stated otherwise, all information regarding future IHI call topics is indicative and subject to change. Final information about future IHI calls is communicated after approval by the IHI Governing Board.