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Brokerage event for IHI’s 2025 calls

IHI's brokerage event provided people interested in IHI call 9 with an excellent opportunity to network and start forming consortia.

Brussels, Belgium
Little wooden figurines talking to each other, representing networking. Image by THEBILLJR via Shutterstock.
Image by THEBILLJR via Shutterstock.



Pitches - Topic 2 
Specific Objective 2: integrate fragmented health research and innovation efforts bringing together health industry sectors and other stakeholders, focussing on unmet public health needs, to enable the development of tools, data, platforms, technologies and processes for improved prediction, prevention, interception, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases, meeting the needs of end-users.

Nivedita Agarwal, Siemens Healthineers AG - Improving Access to care for Alzheimer’s disease - ACCESS- AD.

Annamaria Csizmadia, GE Healthcare - Comprehensive Onco-cardiology Multidisciplinary Patient Assistance Solution for Supporting Breast and Prostate cancer cardiotoxicity care.

Mark Dethlefsen, Siemens Healthineers AG – BREATHE: Biomarker-aided Refinements in the Assessment and Treatment of lung cancer for Health Enhancement.

Owen Dafydd, Pfizer - Accelerating ligand identification discovery for protein targets using novel datasets and ML methodologies.

Felix Agakov, Pharmatics - Data Integration and Validation for Evidence-based Research Solutions (DIVERSE).

Steven Bagshaw, CPI - Next generation materials for implanted bioelectronic medical devices (NEXT-BIO).

Baubak Bajoghli, Austrian BioImaging/CMI - A Real-time Three-dimensional Histopathology Imaging Solution for Improved Cancer Diagnosis and Patient Outcomes.

Barrie Cassey, CPI - Advanced Cell Models for drug discovery.

Stéphane Commans, IHU ICAN – CARDIOMET: Tackling the cardiometabolic “pandemic”.

Nancy Frédérickx, Sciensano - EU-wide Innovative Personalized Cancer Medicine Platform.

Jaap van der Voet, Philips – SEISMIC: SEamless Integration of image guidance to break down the barrierS and enhance the efficiency of Minimally Invasive and hybrid neurosurgical Care.

François Houyez, European Organisation for Rare Diseases (Eurordis) - A Helping Hand for People with no Treatment.

Juan Ignacio Imbaud, Protein Alternatives Sl - Therapeutic anti-CDH17 & anti-IL13Ra2 monoclonal antibodies for cancer therapy.

Andrius Kaselis, Vilnius University faculty of Medicine - BioTwin4Cancer.

Christoph Klein, Children's Hospital (LMU Clinic Munich) - AMIGO: Advanced Medical Intelligence for Guiding Omics-based Medicine.

Magdalena Kowalczyk, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Innovative solutions for the treatment and symptom alleviation of diseases associated with gut barrier dysfunction.

Wolfgang Moritz, InSphero AG - Liver Safety - From Diversity to Patient Centricity.

Jose Muñoz, Hospital Clinic Barcelona/Barcelona Institute for Global Health - FAMBA: an international surveillance and data analytics platform for prevention of emerging pandemics.

Avidan Neumann, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IEM), Helmholtz Munich - Pandemic and Endemic Respiratory Pathogens Sentinels and Early Optimization of Prevention by Severity Prediction.

Dominic Ormerod, VITO – MELTS: Membrane Extraction based Liquid phase Tides Synthesis.

Monica Ortenzi, Università Politecnica delle Marche - AI-Driven Predictive Models for Surgical Outcome and performance Enhancement in Colorectal Surgery.

Paola Quattroni, European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery - Enhanced European Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Data Platform.

Venkata Satagopam, University of Luxembourg - Mechanisms of comorbidities in immune-mediated diseases via federated data analysis and modelling.

Roisin Thompson, CPI - Advancing processing, scale-up and clinical readiness of RNA delivery platforms.

Roisin Thompson, CPI - Therapeutic and non-therapeutic interventions for addressing anti-microbial resistance (AMR).

Kalle Toivonen, University of Helsinki - Combating Obesity: Holistic Approach to Integrating Prevention, Treatment, and Policy Options Across European Member States and Around the Globe.

Stefaan Vandenberghe, Medical image and signal processing, Ghent university - Walk Through PET for high patient comfort and clinical efficacy.

Mario Aznar Granados, Matical - Immune cell imaging in cancer patients with AI/ML tools for the genomic and phenotyping estimations of immunotherapies response in solid tumors.

Caroline Desvergne, CEA - CEA-Leti - Strengthening the biomanufacturing ecosystem for biotherapies.

Rogerio Pessoto Hirata, Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University – VITALITY: Integrating the healthcare system for healthy ageing.

Pitches - Topic 1 
Specific Objective 1: contribute towards a better understanding of the determinants of health and priority disease areas.

Salvatore Angilletta, Max-Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing - Disentangling complexity of multimorbidity in aging.

Emmanuel Bartholomé, Healios Technologies SL – DEDICATE: Dynamic Evaluation and Digital Inference of Cognitive Ageing through Technology in Europe.

Melissa Grant, ACTA – ObioMar: Oral biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of systemic diseases.

Johanna Blom, University of Modena and Regio Emilia - Biomarker and Behavioral Evidence for Advanced Clinical Outcomes and Neurological Precision Healthcare in Migraine using Multimodal Data Integration (BEACON).

Alpha Tom Kodamullil, Fraunhofer SCAI - AgeMorbidity: evaluating aging clocks and co-morbidity spectra of neurodegeneration & cardiometabolic diseases.

Sabrina Steinert, Apheris - Safely collaborate on distributed data.

Theodora Stewart, King's College London - The Human Metal Atlas: Building a Translational Research Ecosystem in Metallomics (TREM MATLAS).

Felix Wohlrab, Charité University Medicine Berlin - ValBioMS: Clinical Validation of Fluid and MRI Biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis and related Neuroimmunological Diseases – covering aspects of neurodegeneration and chronic disease activity.

Steven Bagshaw, CPI - CASCADE (Cancer Advanced Spatial Clinical Applications and Diagnostics Excellence).

Graham Somers, GSK - Novel Antibiotic Modalities against Priority Pathogens.

Pitches - Topic 5
Specific Objective 5: enable the development of new and improved evaluation methodologies and models for a comprehensive assessment of the added value of innovative and integrated health care solutions.

Ahmet Acar, Middle East Technical University - Advancing Personalized Therapies for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer through Patient-Derived Organoids.

Feza Korkusuz, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine - Motion Analysis, Multi-Omics, Novel Biosensors for Osteoarthritis Diagnosis and New Therapeutics: ManitOAba.

Chang Sun, Maastricht University - AI-Powered Patient Recruitment & Data Acquisition.

Pitches - Topic 4
Specific Objective 4: exploit the full potential of digitalisation and data exchange in health care.

Dominique Segers, Barco – AIRAD: AI in improving RADiology workflows, treatments and training.

Barrie Cassey, CPI - Reducing European Medicines Supply Problems through Data Sharing (Federated Data Sharing to Increase Availability of Medicines).

Barrie Cassey, CPI - Get Medicines to Patients.

Iman Kamali, HUVANT S.r.l. - Healthcare in Extended Reality Environment to Aid in Chronic Treatments.

Arvydas Laurinavicius, Vilnius University - Translational Medicine Intelligence Platform.

Piers Mahon, DIGICORE - the Digital Institute for Cancer Outcome Research - Enhancing EU Competitiveness by Integrating Pragmatic Trials and Real-World Evidence in Precision Oncology.

Robert Lugowski, CliniNote sp. z o.o.- Advancing Clinical Research in Europe: Building a Framework to Strengthen Pragmatic Clinical Trials and Accelerate Integrated Product and Service Development with AI-Driven Technologies.

Ines Vaz Luis, Gustave Roussy – MOSAIC: Moving towards Optimized and SustAInable digital healthCare pathways in oncology.

Pitches - Topic 3
Specific Objective 3: demonstrate the feasibility of people-centred, integrated health care solutions.

Artur Palet, Roche Diagnostics - Heart Networks.

Barrie Cassey, CPI - Manufacturing Innovation in Complex Therapies Through Decentralised and Automated Networks.

Barrie Cassey, CPI - Personalisation and Stratification of Healthcare Solutions.

Christos Xinaris, Instituto Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS - Developing an inhalable thyroid hormone nanotherapy for regenerating the diabetic heart and kidney.

Irina Efimenko, Semantic Hub SA - PV SQUARED: Patient Voice for Pharmacovigilance.

Linus Kao, Skyvor Medical AG - AI and Digital Health Platform for Clinical Research.

Oscar Mayora, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Supporting Integrated Care by design.

Lihui Pu, Erasmus University Medical Center - Hospital at Home: Digital Transformation for Integrated Care.

Nicole Schadewaldt, Fraunhofer MEVIS – ERDE: European Rare Disease Empowerment.

Kristof Vanfraechem, Data For Patients - Patient and frontline HCP partnership @scale in EU with data and digital.






About the event

The brokerage event has been designed to facilitate networking and the formation of consortia for IHI's call 9 . 

Discover project proposals during the pitching sessions

Our pitching sessions spotlighted people who have a project proposal and are looking for partners for a consortium to turn their idea into a reality.

Details of the pitches are available in the agenda

Meet potential partners by the posters

Posters showcased organisations that are keen to get involved in the IHI projects of the future.

Non-stop networking

With plenty of agenda slots dedicated to networking time, and refreshments on hand throughout the event, you could hold informal, one-on-one meetings with new contacts at any time during the event.

Dedicated meeting rooms for fledgling consortia

If you have started to build a consortium and wanted a private space for a longer meeting, we had you covered! Our venue had six small meeting rooms that you were able to book on site for blocks of 50 minutes.

Ask the experts

To maximise the time for networking, our Brokerage Event does not include info sessions at all. However, because we know questions might come up during your meetings, we ran 'ask the experts' Q&A sessions.

14 November - dedicated to online networking

On 14 November, we moved the event online and open up 100 virtual lounges so that new consortia can keep working and bring in people who were not able to attend the face-to-face event.


About the networking platform

The brokerage platform allows you to showcase your own and your organisation’s expertise, and share project proposals with other participants.

Once you’ve registered, you will be able to search for and contact potential partners, publish your own project proposal, and look for project proposals that could be relevant for you.

The platform will remain open for networking until the call deadline.


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