Imaging for patient benefit in arthritis
Project factsheets
Learn more about the projects supported by IHI as well as the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).
Displaying 19 projects and 0 programmes
Clinical impact through AI-assisted MS care
Combining diagnostic data and interventional approaches for futureproof cardiology care
GRIP on MASH: global research initiative for patient screening on MASH
Individualised care from early risk of cardiovascular disease to established heart failure
Integration of heterogeneous data and evidence towards regulatory and HTA acceptance
A biomarker-based platform for early diagnosis of chronic liver disease to enable personalized therapy
Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using an AI driven screening platform
Precision medicine platform in neurodegenerative disease
Synthetic healthcare data governance hub
Unleashing a comprehensive, holistic and patient centric stroke management for a better, rapid, advanced and personalised stroke diagnosis, treatment and outcome prediction
Developing and implementing virtual control groups to reduce animal use in toxicology research
Central repository for digital pathology
Rapid and secure AI imaging based diagnosis, stratification, follow-up, and preparedness for coronavirus pandemics
Health initiatives in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis consortium European states
Innovations to accelerate vaccine development and manufacture
Machine learning ledger orchestration for drug discovery
Optimal treatment for patients with solid tumours in Europe through artificial intelligence
Shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using newborn genetic screening and digital technologies